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1402 lines (1117 loc) · 32.9 KB

Product Collection index.html Template:

The following properties and fields are available on the index.html template for product collections:

Property: params

This property is for pagination.

The following fields are available from the index.html template:


For more info about how to use these for pagination, see the documentation on the create_page_query helper.

Example markup using the {{create_page_query}} helper with fields from params to create a link with a query string for pagination:

<li><a href="{{create_page_query page='1' sort=params.sort order=params.order limit='15'}}">Mammals</a></li>

Example Output HTML:

<li><a href="?page=1&amp;limit=15&amp;sort=id&amp;order=asc">Mammals</a></li>

Example Output Query String:


Property: items

Each item in the collection can be accessed through the items property. Because items is an array of items, the {{#each items}}{{/each}} wrapper is required to render the content. Alternatively, the #sort_list helper may also be used.

When using propeller helpers, outside properties may still be accessed by using the following syntax: {{../variable_name}}.

The following examples show how to render each property or field in items:

Property: id

This is the ID of the item given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Property: aerostat_collection_id

This is the ID of the item's collection given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Property: product_title

This is the identifier or name of the item.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Property: sorting_position

This is the value of the sort order position for the item.

Example Markup:

{{#sort_list items sort="sorting_position" order="asc"}}

Example Output:


Property: published_on

This is the timestamp of when the current item was published. The publish date can be set in the Admin panel. The timestamp can be formatted using the format_date helper.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}
<p>{{format_date published_on "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 24, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 10, 2017</p>

Property: created_at

This is the timestamp of when the current item was created. It can be formatted using the format_date helper.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}
<p>{{format_date created_at "o" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:


Property: updated_at

This is the timestamp of when the current item was last updated. It can be formatted using the format_date helper.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}
<p>{{format_date updated_at "u" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>2017-06-01 02:53:13Z</p>
<p>2017-06-01 02:53:03Z</p>

Property: slug

The slug is the entire path to the page permalink including the / following the domain.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Items fields

The content endered in the Admin panel for each item is accessible through the item's fields property. These fields are similar to Page fields, though the related_items field for each item is not available within the collection index.html.

For fields that contain HTML content, use triple braces: {{{variable_name}}}.

Some fields that include multiple inputs for content require the {{#each}} helper. When rendering {{{help}}}, these fields are notated with [list] next to the field's variable name, followed by a bulleted list of fields to access. Some examples of these fields are image, link, or related aerostats.

List of fields also require the {{#each}} helper. These fields, e.g. list of images or list of links, are arrays of items. The order of which these items are rendered can be controlled either in Admin, or using the #sort_list propeller. The {{#sort_list}} propeller takes precedence over the order determined in Admin.

The following examples show how to render the content from each field type on items:

Field Type: text

The text field is a simple text input. It's useful for content with small amount of phrasing, such as headers or titles.

Example markup using a text field with the variable name name:

{{#each items}}
<div class="header">

Example Output:

<div class="header">
<div class="header">

Field Type: textarea

The textarea field is useful for plain multiline content, or text that is too long for the text field type.

Example markup using a textarea with the variable name short_description:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:

  <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
  <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>

Field Type: rich text area

The rich text area, or WYSIWYG editor, is useful for custom formatting or adding various content other than text such as images, links, or lists.

This field requires an extra set of {}, similar to rendering fields that contain HTML elements.

Example markup using a rich text area with the variable name description:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:

    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p><p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.<br>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
  <p>&lt;p&gt;Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.&lt;br&gt;Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.&lt;br&gt;Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p>

Field Type: image

Example markup using an image field the variable name product_image:

{{#each items}}{{#each fields.product_image}}
<div class="product-image">
  <img src="{{url}}" alt="">

Example Output:

<div class="product-image">
  <img src="" alt="">
<div class="product-image">
  <h6>Other Title</h6>
  <img src="" alt="">

Field Type: link

Aside from links, this field is useful for simple text content as it provides more control over how the content is rendered than other text fields.

For example, the link field allows each (optional) title, subtitle, url, and caption content to be rendered as separate elements, while the textarea field renders all content within the same HTML element by default.

Example markup using a link field with the variable name resource_link:

{{#each items}}{{#each fields.resource}}
<div class="link">
  <a href="{{url}}">Resource: {{title}}</a>

Example Output:

<div class="link">
  <a href="">Resource: Title</a>
  <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
<div class="link">
  <a href="">Resource: Title &amp; Url</a>

Field Type: number

Example markup using a number field with the variable name recommendations:

{{#each items}}
<p>Recommendations: {{fields.recommendations}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Recommendations: 100,000</p>
<p>Recommendations: 90,000</p>

Field Type: radio

Example markup using a radio field with the variable name is_seasonal:

{{#each items}}
<p>Seasonal: {{fields.is_seasonal}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Seasonal: No</p>
<p>Seasonal: No</p>

Field Type: select

Example markup using a select field with the variable name for_pet_types:

{{#each items}}
<p>For Pet Types: {{fields.for_pet_types}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>For Pet Types: Dogs</p>
<p>For Pet Types: Cats</p>

Field Type: multiselect

While the multiselect field can be rendered the same way as other [list] notated fields, it can also be rendered as a comma separated list for simplicity.

Example markup using a multiselect field with the variable name things:

{{#each items}}
<div class="all-the-things">
  {{#each fields.thing}}

Example Output:

<div class="all-the-things">
<div class="all-the-things">

Example markup rendering the multiselect field as a comma separated list:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Field Type: checkbox

Example markup using a checkbox with the variable name show_image:

{{#each items}}
  {{#if fields.show_image}}
    {{#each fields.product_image}}
      <img src="{{url}}" alt="">
    <h3>Sorry! No image for this product.</h3>

Example Output:

    <h3>Sorry! No image for this product.</h3>
      <img src="" alt="">

Field Type: list of images

Example markup using a list of images with the variable name additional_images:

{{#each items}}
<div class="image-container">
  {{#each fields.additional_images}}
    <div class="image">
      <img src="{{url}}" alt="">

Example Output:

<div class="image-container">
    <div class="image">
      <h6>Image Title</h6>
      <img src="" alt="">
      <p>Image Subtitle</p>
      <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
    <div class="image">
      <h6>Other Title</h6>
      <img src="" alt="">
      <p>Other Subtitle</p>
      <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
<div class="image-container">
    <div class="image">
      <img src="" alt="">
    <div class="image">
      <h6>Other Title</h6>
      <img src="" alt="">

Example markup rendering the list of images using the #sort_list propeller:

{{#each items}}
<div class="sorted-images">
  {{#sort_list fields.additional_images sort="title" order="desc"}}
    <div class="image">
      <img src="{{url}}" alt="">

Example Output:

<div class="sorted-images">
    <div class="image">
      <img src="" alt="">
      <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
    <div class="image">
      <h6>Other Title</h6>
      <img src="" alt="">
      <p>Other Subtitle</p>
      <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
<div class="sorted-images">
    <div class="image">
      <img src="" alt="">
    <div class="image">
      <h6>Other Title</h6>
      <img src="" alt="">

Field Type: list of links

Example markup using a list of links with the variable name additional_resources:

{{#each items}}
<div class="additional-links">
  {{#each fields.additional_resources}}
  <div class="link">
    <a href="{{url}}">Resource: {{title}}</a>

Example Output:

<div class="additional-links">
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Resource</a>
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Resource</a>
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Resource</a>
<div class="additional-links">
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis.</a>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis?</p>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: </a>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam. Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>

Example markup rendering the list of links using the #sort_list propeller:

{{#each items}}
<div class="additional-links">
  {{#sort_list fields.additional_resources sort="title" order="desc"}}
  <div class="link">
    <a href="{{url}}">Resource: {{title}}</a>

Example Output:

<div class="additional-links">
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Title</a>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Other</a>
    <p>other sub</p>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
<div class="additional-links">
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: title</a>
    <p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis?</p>
  <div class="link">
    <a href="">Resource: Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis.</a>

Field Type: date

Example markup using a date field with the variable name date:

{{#each items}}
<p>{{format_date "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Tuesday, May 23, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 10, 2017</p>

Items aerostat_collection

These properties can also be accessed directly from the collection property.

The following examples show how to render each property from the item aerostat_collection field:

Property: id

This is the id of the item's collection given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Property: public_path

This is the identifier for the item's collection following / in the url. The public path contains only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. By default, it is the same as the title or name, and can be edited in the Admin panel at any time.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}

Example Output:


Items tags

To use these properties, tags must be enabled in the Admin panel for the collection. The following examples show how to render the available tag properties for each item:

Property: id

This is the ID of the tag given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each tags}}

Example Output:


Property: site_id

This is the ID of the website that the tag belongs to.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each tags}}

Example Output:


Property: name

This is the tag name.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each tags}}

Example Output:


Property: created_at

This is the timestamp of when the tag was created.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each tags}}
<p>{{format_date created_at "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>

Property: updated_at

This is the timestamp of when the tag was last updated.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each tags}}
<p>{{format_date updated_at "u" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>2017-05-17 08:03:28Z</p>
<p>2017-05-17 08:03:28Z</p>

Items product_variations

Property: id

This is the ID of the variation given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:


Property: aerostat_id

This is the ID of the variations root product given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:


Property: product_variation_title

This is the identifier or name of the product variation.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:

<p>Cat Food</p>
<p>Dog Food</p>

Property: product_variation_image

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:

Property: product_variation_description

This is a short text description of the product variation.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:

<p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>
<p>Lorem ad voluptatibus amet fugit excepturi facilis? Officiis repudiandae eius aspernatur ab reiciendis. Velit minima laudantium suscipit dolores soluta esse quo iste. Delectus culpa ad eveniet totam ratione! Maxime laboriosam.</p>

Property: price

This is the regular price of the product.

The {{format_currency}} helper is useful for fields that contain currency values. For more information, see the format_currency documentation.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
<p>Price: {{format_currency price "usd"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Price: $5</p>

Property: sale_price

This represents the products sale price if available.

The {{format_currency}} helper is useful for fields that contain currency values. For more information, see the format_currency documentation.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
<p>Sale Price: {{format_currency sale_price "usd" 2}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Sale Price: $3.00</p>

Property: weight

This is the weight of the product in pounds and/or ounces.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:

Property: in_stock

This shows whether or not the product variation is in stock.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
  {{#if in_stock}}
  <p class="sold-out">{{product_variation_title}}</p>

Example Output:

<p class="sold-out">Bird Toy</p>
<p>Hedgehog Toy</p>

Property: inventory

This is the available amount of product.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:


Property: sorting_position

This represents the sort order value of the variation.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}

Example Output:


Property: published_on

This is the timestamp of when the variation was published.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
<p>{{format_date published_on "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 30, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 29, 2017</p>

Property: on_sale

This shows whether or not the variation is currently on sale for a discounted price.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
  {{#if on_sale}}
  <p>{{product_variation_title}} for <span class="sale-price">{{format_currency this.sale_price "usd" 2}}</span></p>
  <p>{{product_variation_title}} for {{format_currency this.price "usd" 2}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Bird Toy for <span class="sale-price">$8.00</span></p>
<p>Dog Food for $5.00</p>

Property: created_at

This is the timestamp for when the variation was created.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
<p>{{format_date created_at "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>

Property: updated_at

This is the timestamp for when the variation was updated.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each product_variations}}
<p>{{format_date updated_at "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Thursday, June 01, 2017</p>
<p>Thursday, June 01, 2017</p>

Items categories

To use these properties, categories must be enabled in the Admin panel for the collection. The following examples show how to render the available categories properties for each item:

Property: id

This is the ID of the category.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}

Example Output:


Property: title

This is the category name.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}

Example Output:


Property: permalink

The permalink is the identifier for the category following / in the url. The permalink contains only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}

Example Output:


Property: fields

Example Markup: Example Output:

Property: aerostat_collection_id

This is the ID of the collection given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}

Example Output:


Property: created_at

This is the timestamp of when the category was created.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}
<p>{{format_date created_at "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>
<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>

Property: updated_at

This is the timestamp of when the category was last updated.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}
<p>{{format_date updated_at "u" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>2017-06-01 02:53:13Z</p>
<p>2017-06-01 02:53:03Z</p>

Property: sorting_position

This is the value of the category's sorting position.

Example Markup:

{{#each items}}{{#each categories}}

Example Output:


Property: collection

The following properties and fields are available on the index.html's collection property:

Property: id

This is the collection's id.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: site_id

This is the id of the website given by Airship CMS.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: title

This is the title of the collection. The title is set when creating each collection, and can be edited at any time in the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: name

This is the identifier used to refer to each item in the collection. By default, it is the same as the collection's title. It can be found and edited in the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: public_path

The public path is the identifier for collection following / in the url. The public path contains only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. By default, it is the same as the title or name, and can be edited in the Admin panel at any time.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: has_public_make

This shows whether or not public make is enabled for the current collection. The public make setting can be enabled/disabled in the Modify panel in Admin.

Public make must be enabled for user submissions, such as creating new Contact items within a Sign Up collection via sign up form.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: has_categories

This shows whether or not categories are enabled for the current collection. This setting can be enabled/disabled in the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: has_tags

This shows whether or not tags are enabled for the current collection. This setting can be enabled/disabled in the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: has_comments

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: has_publish_date

Example Markup:


Example Output:

Property: has_products

This shows whether or not the collection contains any products.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: show_permalink

This shows whether or not user's are allowed to edit the permalink for each item in the current collection. This setting can be enabled/disabled in the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: layout

This shows which layout is being used to render the current collection. This can be set within the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: primary_label

This shows which field is being used as the primary identifier when listing each item in a collection. This can be set within the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:

<p>Product Title</p>

Property: template_directory

This shows the name of the template directory being used for the current collection, and which holds the collection's index, show, categories, and/or category html files. The directory name in the project structure must exactly match this value. This can be set within the Modify panel in Admin.

Example Markup:


Example Output:


Property: created_at

This is the timestamp for when the collection was created.

Example Markup:

<p>{{format_date collection.created_at "D" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>Wednesday, May 17, 2017</p>

Property: updated_at

This is the timestamp for when the collection was last updated. Example Markup:

<p>{{format_date collection.updated_at "u" "us"}}</p>

Example Output:

<p>2017-05-17 07:59:23Z</p>

Property: has_plans

Example Markup:


Example Output:
