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Examples of JAAL recordings

These are real examples of complete JAAL recordings. They are produced with JSAV Exercise Recorder 2.0.1 from algorithm visualization exercises using the JSAV framework.

Prim's algorithm with binary heap

Description of the exercise

This exercise is about Prim's minimal spanning tree algorithm. A screenshot of the user interface of the exercise is shown in file Prim+Binheap-GUI.png.

The exercise visualizes the input of the algorithm as a node-link diagram. The nodes circles are labeled with unique alphabets from A to W. The edges are lines having non-unique integer weights from 1 to 19.

In addition, there is a priority queue which the algorithm uses to track the fringe: the nodes that should be added to the shortest paths spanning tree, and the edges leading to those nodes.

When the student clicks an edge, they can enqueue it to the priority queue. An edge can also be updated to replace a route from a fringe node with a shorter one. When the student clicks the Dequeue button in the priority queue, the edge is dequeued from the priority queue and added to the spanning tree.

File: Prim+Binheap1


Prim+Binheap1.json is the JAAL data for a submission to the exercise: pretty-printed JSON in ASCII character set.

html/Prim+Binheap1.html is the corresponding human-readable representation of the file produced with the script

Prim+Binheap1.encoded.json is an encoded version of the data in the file Prim+Binheap1.json: the JSON string is HTML escaped, then zlib compressed and finally Base64 encoded. JSAV Exercise Recorder uses this kind of wrapping encoding to (i) minimize the size of JAAL data sent to a learning management system (LMS); (ii) ensure that the data will not be escaped in other ways by the LMS. The data can be decoded with the script

Here is a short description of the data in Prim+Binheap1.html. The strings beginning with a $ are JSON paths which refer to the corresponding location in the JSON data, where $ is the root JSON object.

$.metadata: information about the exercise and recording context. $.metadata.max_points: the automated grade is scaled to maximum 300 points in the learning management system providing the exercise.

$.definitions.score: 6 first steps of total 22 are correct.

$.initialState: There is a graph with three connected components. The largest connected component has ten nodes including the start node A. The empty node belongs to a binary tree which represents the binary heap (a priority queue).

$.animation: This is the student's solution. There are the following steps. 1. Enqueue edge AB. The priority queue has now one node with the text "6 B (A)" indicating that node B is in the fringe with distance 6 and parent node A. 2. Enqueue AF. 3. Dequeue AF. Now edge AF and its nodes are in the spanning tree. 4. Update: replace edge BF with edge AB. Correspondingly, in the priority queue, node B's parent changes from A to F and its distance changes from 6 to 3. 5. Enqueue edge EF. 6. Enqueue edge FG. 7. Dequeue edge FG. ... 24. Dequeue edge IN. Here we can see the final spanning tree highlighted with yellow; its edges are AF, BF, BC, CD, EF, FG, EJ, IN, and JN.

$.definitions.modelAnswer: This is the model answer. Note that the model answer may have substeps. This is because not all steps in the model answer are gradable. For example, step 1.2 ($.definitions.modelAnswer[1][0]) is not gradable, but only shows some narrative text, as seen in the value of the explanation field ($.definitions.modelAnswer[1][0].explanation). Then, in step 2.1, a new route from A to B is compared to the current distance of B (infinity). In the visualization of the model answer, edge AB and node B are highlighted in green color to indicate the comparison. Moreover, the edge AB is enqueued, and this is a gradable step. Essentially, the model answer begins with the similar priority queue operations as the student's answer: 1. Enqueue AB. 2. Enqueue AF. 3. Dequeue AF. 4. Update: replace BF with AB. 5. Enqueue EF. 6. Enqueue FG. Then the model answer starts to diverge from the student's answer: 7. Enqueue FJ. 8. Dequeue FG. ... In the end ($.definitions.modelAnswer[22][0].image), the final spanning tree is similar to the student's solution: edges AF, BF, BC, CD, EF, FG, EJ, IN, and JN.

Analysis demonstration

Below is a demonstration on how much can be analyzed manually from the data available. This is why JAAL was first designed: to be able to see what was the first error that the student made, and furthermore, what might be the explanation behind all possible errors in the student's solution.

First, note that we can compare student's solution to model solution. Here it is done manually by listing the actions. The student enqueues (enq), updated (upd) or dequeues (deq) edges in the priority queue or clicks the undo button (undo).

Student          Model
 1 enq AB         2.1 enq AB
 2 enq AF         3.1 enq AF
 3 deq AF         4.1 deq AF
 4 upd AB->BF     5.1 upd BF
 5 enq EF         6.1 enq EF
 6 enq FG         7.1 enq FG
 7 deq FG         8.1 enq FJ
 8 enq CG         9.1 deq FG
 9 enq FJ        10.1 enq CG
10 deq BF        11.1 deq BF
11 upd CG->BC    12.1 upd BC
12 deq BC        13.1 deq EF
13 enq CD        14.1 enq EI
14 deq CD        15.1 upd EJ
15 deq EF        16.1 deq BC
16 upd FJ->EJ    17.1 enq CD
17 enq EI        18.1 deq CD
18 deq EJ        19.1 deq EJ
19 enq JN        20.1 enq JN
20 deq JN        21.1 deq JN
21 enq IN        22.1 upd IN
22 undo          23.1 deq IN
23 upd EI->IN
24 deq IN

(Yes, there is not enough semantic data in the model answer in this recording, therefore the priority queues actions in the model solution have been reconstructed from the narration and the visual data.)

So, in the most compact sense, both student's solution and the model solution can be represented as a string of actions: "enq AB, enq AF, deq AF, ...".

By examining images in the the student's solution manually, we obtain the following interpretation.

Step 7: Student forgets to enqueue FJ. Step 9: Student realizes they made a mistake and now enqueue FJ. Steps 16-17: Students enqueues EJ and EI, while the model answer enqueues EI and EJ (alphabetical order) Step 21: Student enqueues IN, when the model answer updates EI to IN. Step 22: Student realizes the made a mistake and clicks Undo.

In this case, the mistakes were small enough to produce a totally correct spanning tree at the end. It could be said that the student mostly follows Prim's algoritm after the first mistake.

More extensive description of a JAAL recording

$: the top level

The top level structure of each JAAL recording is the following. There is an object with four keys:

    "metadata": {...},
    "definitions": {...},
    "initialState": {...},
    "animation": [...]

$.metadata: Metadata

The metadata object contains information on the recording context. It has the following fields:

max_points: The maximum score of the exercise as configured in the learning management system.

uid: Deprecated, set to zero.

ordinal_number: Deprecated, set to zero.

browser: Student's web browser. This is the User-Agent field of a HTTP request.

recordingStarted: A string timestamp of when the recording started; ISO 8601 date and time in UTC.

recordingTimezone: Time zone of the recording related to the recordingStarted field.

jaalVersion: JSON Algorithm Animation language version. This should be "2.0.0".

jaalGenerator: The software which recorded the JAAL data. This should be "JSAV Exercise Recorded 2.0.0".

exercise: This object has three fields:
name: The name of the exercise. In practice, this is the name of the HTML file of a corresponding JSAV/OpenDSA exercise. collection: The name of the exercise collection. This is set to "CS-A1141/CS-A1143" which refer to Aalto University course codes. running location: The absolute URL of the exercise.

$.definitions: grading and model answer

The definitions object contains three subobjects.

style: Unused.

score: Information about the automated grade. It has the following subfields: modelSteps: number of gradable steps in the model solution. studentSteps: number of student's steps, including undo actions, but excluding the grade button click. correctSteps: number of correct steps. This is the automated grade.
undoSteps: number of undo steps.

options: title: Title of the exercise; unused. instructions: Exercise instruction text. This may contain CSS escaped Unicode characters and HTML entities.

$.initialState: the exercise instance

The initialState object represents the exercise instance. It contains two subobjects: dataStructures and svg.

dataStructures: A list of JAAL 2.0 semantic data structures. The recordings have two main types of data structures: graphs and matrices.

JAAL 2.0 Graph

JAAL 2.0 graph has the following structure:

    "id": "graph1",
    "dsClass": "graph",
    "node": [
            "style": "unvisited",
            "key": "J",
            "id": "node1"
    "edge": [
            "id": "edge1",
            "node": [
            "style": "",
            "tag": "6"
    "directed": false

The first id field is the JAAL id for the graph data structure. Fields dsClass and directed indicate that this is an undirected graph.

Field node contains a list of nodes for the graph. Each JAAL node has at least the following fields.

`style`: (str)
    A style description. The start node for Prim's and Dijkstra's
    algorithm has style "visited" while all the other nodes have style
`key`: (str)
    The node (vertex) label. This is unique. The start node has
    label "A", while other node have other letters of the alphabet.
`id`: (str)
    JAAL id for the node.

initial Field edge contains a list of edges for the graph. Each JAAL edge has at least the following fields.

`id`: (str)
    JAAL id for the edge.
`node`: (list)
    A pair of JAAL node ids.
`style`: (str)
`tag`: (str)
    The integer weight of the edge.

JAAL 2.0 Binary Tree

The Scaffolded Prim & Dijkstra exercises have the priority queue interface. The priority queue is visualized as a minimum binary heap. In JAAL 2.0 semantic data, it is represented as another graph as follows.

    "id": "graph2",
    "roow": "node25",
    "dsClass": "tree",
    "dsSubClass": "binarytree",
    "directed": true,
    "node": [...],
    "edge": [...]


The svg object of the initialState object is Scalable Vector Graphics representation of the initial state. Note that the SVG has been further escaped, including the following codes:

Escaped     Unescaped
\"          "
\\n         newline

$.animation: Student's solution

The animation object is a list of steps in student's solution. Each step is an object with the following fields.

type: (str) The step type. click: The student clicks an element in the visualization. undo: The student clicks the Undo button. grade: The student clicks the Grade button.

time: (int) Timestamp in milliseconds from metadata.recordingStarted. This is intentionally rounded to closest hundred milliseconds for anonymization purposes.

currentStep: (int) The ordinal number of the step in student's solution sequence.

gradable: (boolean) true if the step is regarded as a gradable step in the automated grading, false otherwise. Typically click steps are gradable but undo steps are not.

object: (str) If the type of the step is click, this is the JAAL id of the corresponding edge in initialState.dataStructures.

image: (str) A JAAL 2.0 SVG image similar to the one in svg.initialState, but representing the data structures in the student's view after the action (click/undo/grade).

pqOperation: (str) The type of a priority queue operation; one of enqueue, dequeue, update. This field is only in the scaffolded versions of the exercises having a priority queue interface.

pqIn: (str) If there is a pqOperation field with value enqueue or update, this specifies the JAAL id of the edge to be enqueued or updated in the priority queue, correspondingly.

pqOut: (str) If there is a pqOperation field with value dequeue or update, this specifies the JAAL id of the edge to be dequeued or replaced in the priority queue, correspondingly.